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Prayers - our communication channel to Yah/God. Formal prayer is best when it's a two-way conversation when we actually try to settle ourselves down to listen (Psalm 46:10) as well as talk which is increasingly harder in our modern day world for sure. Prayer can also be a lifestyle as we present ourselves to Yah/God in our daily actions (James 5:16). 

Many people don't realize the power of prayer - as many may think their prayers don't get answered right away so they must not be working. We just have to understand that many times Yah/God does want to answer our prayers but sometimes our priority is not His priority (Isaiah 55:8-9, 2 Peter 3:9). We have to have the faith to believe and trust that His timing and ways are the best. There are times when we are waiting on somebody else to do something unknowingly as we are all connected (which is why we need to bless others). There are other times when something may be required of us, or somebody else, before He can move on our behalf. 

Now keep in mind I don't say the complete Bedtime prayer EVERY single night as I don't want it to become a dead ritual or dogmatic. So because of the work I do, doing spiritual warfare and such, because I'm involved in spiritual warfare regularly, I try to say the entire prayer often. But I mix it up too. Some times I may do an abbreviated version (those parts you'll see bolded below). Other times I may go over one section fast and then slow down for another section and expand upon it IF I haven't focused on in awhile or I feel a need to.

And most times, I'm trying to sense the leading of the Ruach haKodesh / Holy Spirit to see if there is something He wants me to add or focus on more intently. Sometimes I'll speak words I wasn't even planning on speaking as He 'flows' through me. Sometimes He will surprise you! But even if He does 'rebuke' me I consider that a blessing because He cared enough to tell me so that I could receive His blessings. 

Regarding this Morning prayer below, I do say this every morning though as I'm learning to even 'check in'  throughout the day to see if He wants to lead me in any way. 

Our relationship, and hence our prayers, with Yeshua/Jesus is fluid meaning that much like relationship with people on earth, it will change and will be in response to how the other person acts or reacts. 

With all that being said I'm listing some prayers here that you may want to incorporate and make your own. Check back as I have some ideas on how to do some different prayers as well as time allows.


Bedtime prayer

Last updated on 2024-06-17

Father, I come into your courts with praise & thanksgiving asking that You would see me through the blood of the Lamb/Yeshua/Jesus.

I pray on behalf of me and all that is me - all of my heart parts, my human spirit portions and my generational bloodline. I pray across all timelines, realms, kingdoms, dimensions and frequencies.


By the sword of the Ruach haKodesh / Holy Spirit, I pray to be disconnected from all that is evil. I pray the enemy, any unclean spirits or soul fragments that would want to do me harm, be removed from my presence so that they can't monitor me or influence me in any way.

I forgive anybody that may have hurt or offended me. I forgive myself for my sins for sinning against You, Your people, and even myselfI ask for your forgiveness if I've offended you in any way for any sins known or unknown, named or unnamed, done willingly or unwillingly, by any actions or inactions. (At any point for this part of the prayer, you may want to name any particular sins as many times more focused repentance is needed. This is only a generic prayer which may help remove generic unclean spirits or those with little ;legal rights')

It may be a good idea at times to say these prayers slowly and with intent often. You may want to ask Yeshua / Jesus if there are any particular personal or generational sins that you need to repent for - as a representative of your bloodline. Here is a list but it's by no means complete:

Fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, unbelief, pride, anger, hatred, bitterness, for all sexual sins (e.g. adultery, pornography, masturbation, incest, rape, illegitimacy, fornication, bestiality, prostitution, temple prostitution), idolatry (putting anything before Him - i.e. things made by the hands of men, of His creation, the doctrines of unclean spirits, and even including ourselves), sacrifices to any idols - in particular any blood sacrifices, jealousy, covetousness, foolishness, wrath, paganism, manipulation/witchcraft, pride, rebellion, etc.

If I've said any curses, vows, blasphemies, or anything with the wrong heart attitude either by my mouth, in my heart, or by my actions, I cancel them by the blood of Yeshua/Jesus as I nullify their effect.

I cut and break all unhealthy and ungodly spiritual, emotional, physical, mental, financial, sexual, marital, financial, psychic, cosmic, and all other types of soul ties now in the name of Yeshua / JesusI pray for You Yeshua / Jesus to take all my heart parts from all demons, witches/warlocks, lands, locations, prisons, ungodly organizations, traumatic events, objects, animals, timelines, and dimensions and wash them in the blood of Yeshua/Jesus and minister to them. I pray that you Yeshua/Jesus would make me whole. 

If you feel a particular soul-tie is strong you may want to name that person or those person's specifically OR again ask Yeshua / Jesus if there is any particular soul tie that needs to be broken.

I pray Yeshua / Jesus that you would remove all soul fragments within me that don't belong, washed in your blood, and I send them to You Yeshua / Jesus.

I come out of agreement and divorce myself from every unclean spirit, agent of hell, and the kingdom of darkness. I renounce every oath, pact, pledge, vow, or covenant I have made with any unclean spirits or agents of hell. If I have made any covenants with the enemy, any vows, agreements, covenants, contracts, certificates, or have done any rituals, ceremonies, made any altars, sacrifices, dedications to the evil I cancel those by the blood of Yeshua/Jesus.

I ask for Yeshua/Jesus to remove any death, defilement and darkness from me: any evil weapons (e.g. arrows, swords, darts, etc.), devices, veils, strongholds, afflictions, or diseases. I bind all of these to the unclean spirits. 

I worship Yah / God alone through the body and blood of Yeshua haMashiyach / Jesus Christ by the power of the Ruach haKodesh / The Holy Spirit. And in the name of Yeshua / Jesus, I command every unclean spirit to leave me and go to wherever Yeshua / Jesus sends you.

I pray for your angels to watch over all of me while I sleep. I pray the blood of Yeshua over my dreams.

I pray for You to help me be obedient to You, to help me reach my destiny using the gifts You have given me, and to let Your love work through me so that You would be glorified. I pray for more of You!

In the name of Yeshua/Jesus. Amen!


Morning prayers

Last updated on 2024-06-17

I put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and put the shoes on of the Gospel/Good News of peace - I put on the shield of faith, the helmet of Yeshua (which means salvation or deliverance), and the sword of the spirit for all that is me and I cover it all with the blood of Yeshua.

Spiritual armor is real. Demons have them as well. If we don't put on the armor we are much more susceptible to attacks. Living the Bible strengthens your armor more importantly. Being in the presence of evil can wear down our armor as well as the enemy can be attacking us in the spirit. In a similar way, we can do house cleansing prayers but if we unclean people coming into the house often we may need to cleanse the house more often.

1. If I (meaning all parts of you) have sinned against you during the night I ask that You Father would see me through the blood of Yeshua/Jesus and forgive me of my sins.

The enemy may use our heart parts in various ways as our heart parts are in the 'spirit realm' even if we are unaware. Since these soul fragments are a part of us, the sins they do will also account against us, the 'host' / 'Original Self'' / Core of a person.

2. I cancel any covenants I may have made with the enemy while I was sleeping (knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, named or unnamed, by any actions or inactions) by the blood of Yeshua / Jesus.

The enemy will try to make covenants, contracts, oaths, vows, and pledges with us even while we are sleeping. This may come in a dream as a handshake, a transfer of money, eating food that somebody has given you, being intimate with somebody, signing a contract, etcetera. We may not even remember that we have done these in our dreams OR we may think we know the people in the dream so it's safe not realizing the demons are coming to us in a form that a form that we feel is safe.

3. If the enemy has given me anything You Father do not want me to have, then I pray for Your angels to take them from me and drop them in the pit of hell.

The enemy can attack our spirit & souls while we are sleeping. They can either defile us with various different types of objects & weapons OR even take any items from us that Yah/God wants us to have. 

4. If the enemy has taken anything from me, I pray for Your angels to retrieve them, wash them in the blood of Yeshua / Jesus, give them to Him for Him to give back to me.

5. I pray that if any portion of my being has been hijacked that your angels would retrieve those parts and give them to You . . .

6. and that You would redeem me by the blood of Yeshua / Jesus, cleanse by Your Rivers of Living Water, purify by the fire of Yah / God, preserve me by Your salt, and anoint me with the set-apart anointing oil of The Set-Apart / Holy Spirit. 

7. I pray that You would help me be sensitive to Your leading this day and I ask that You would shake the evil out of it. 


In the name of Yeshua / Jesus I pray. Amen.

Send Love Offerings to:

Walk With Yah Ministry

225 Parkway 575 # 2371

Woodstock, GA 30189-9998

Noe G.

Sanctification Minister / Biblical Advocate



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