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What should you be focused on? / WWY L39

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Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Have you ever been in a situation where you are in the middle of broadcasting a livestream and the video locks up? Well I have.

But no worries. I just thought I'd take the time to post my teaching on this blog portion of the website for your reading enjoyment.

So . . . enjoy! :-)

So if you read the description for this WWY Livestream #39, I make mention that we are in a time where deliverance ministry is starting to become more mainstream and not as grass roots. So Praise Yeshua for that! Sure - there are still many people that don’t understand spiritual warfare but because of people like you sharing this ministry with others we are starting to not be ignorant of the enemy's devices (2Cor 2:11).

For those that have gone through deliverance it’s basically a spiritual checkup to see if there is anything oppression you as there usually is. Consider this verse:

2Co 13:5 Examine yourselves whether you are in the belief – prove yourselves. Or do you not know yourselves, that יהושע Messiah is in you, unless you are disapproved.

But today we are going to take a step back and look at the overall goals of deliverance ministry - at least what I believe those to be. Because I want you to get every advantage out of this ministry that you can - because if you’re not careful you can miss these additional benefits. While there are times we need to focus on the minutia/details we shouldn’t lose sight of the ‘big picture’ either. And that is what we are going to focus on tonight.

So I’m going to steal my own thunder and give you part of what we are going to cover. Here are at least 4 big-picture aspects of deliverance that you may want to keep in mind as we proceed and then I’ll go on a bit further from there but those are:

1) Identity, 2) Authority, 3) Character, and 4) Experience.


So you’ve probably heard me say that the enemy, the demons, are trying to scare us before we can scare them. Basically, they don’t want us discovering who Yah/God created us to be as we are called to take dominion over the earth, per Genesis 1:26, which I believe includes demons. We were created to be sons of Yah/God - not the Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6 types but rather the Romans 8:14 humanly type.

I think everybody can understand, per Ephesians 2:10, that we were created for good works - for Him to work through us to solve problems in our sphere of influence so that He gets the glory. We have a purpose. It’s not like He just had some spare dirt lying around and was like ‘Meh. I’ll put this clay on the potter’s wheel and I shall call this one Noe. Sure why not?’. We were knitted together very carefully (Jer 1:5).

In Numbers 6, right after the verses regarding how Moshe was to bless the people with the Aaronic blessing, the Bible says

Num 6:27 “Thus they shall put My Name on the children of Yisra’ěl, and I Myself shall bless them.”

So in other words, He is our Father and that’s where we get our identity from. Do we have an identity in Yeshua? Yes of course per

2Co 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, he is a renewed creature

But where did Yeshua get His identity from?

Joh 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name

As Yeshua pointed us to the Father. There, of course, is some greyness here so I’m not going to spend time on the details here. We know that Yeshua/Jesus is also part of the Godhead and everything that has been created has been done through, for, and by Yeshua (Col 1:16). Our finite minds have a hard time parsing that out but even as Yeshua/Jesus said

Joh 15:1 I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener.

Ultimately, we are who Yah/God says we are. The enemy is trying to get us to lose that focus - and want us to define ourselves by our failures, our shame, our rejection, etc. Part of what we need to be learning is who are we really? We shouldn’t let our sins define us. That is not who you are although sure you may have done those things or they may have been done to you.

You, Beloved, are a child of your Heavenly Father. If your parents mistreated you when you were young, please understand that you were given on loan to them, that Yah/God entrusted them to raise you but unfortunately they may sometimes have hurt you in the process but your Heavenly Father is your True Father - is the One that can heal you, if you let Him, and will give you eternal life.


You may be familiar with this verse:

1Jn 3:8 The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim [Yeshua/Jesus] was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil.

So let’s add this puzzle piece to that understanding . . .

1Jn 4:12 No one has seen Elohim at any time. If we love one another, Elohim does stay in us, and His love has been perfected in us.

1Jn 4:13 By this we know that we stay in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.

Btw, Dan Duval teaches on this concept of realms so when we see this wording ‘in us’, ‘in Him’,’ in Christ’ that wording has spiritual implications.

Understanding Realms ~ Dan Duval (Session 1)

So I think this is easy enough to understand. Just as Yah/God has stated that He has given the Jews the victory in many cases in the Tanakh (a.k.a. Old Testament), they were the boots on the ground that had to do the legwork. Uhm - nothing has changed since then.

Sure there are times when Yah/God or Yeshua/Jesus steps in and does something we can’t, but as I’ve heard it said before “Yah will do what you can’t do but He won’t do what He’s called you to do”. Some people think Yah/God is here to serve us only and I think there’s a much bigger context.

So in deliverance ministry, we should be learning the spiritual authority that we have because Yeshua/Jesus is in us. Now that doesn’t mean we have automatic authority and that we can do anything we want.

As I hear people some people quoting thinking whatever they do Yeshua/Jesus will back up - that they have authority wherever they walk as they hyper-focus on verses like . . .

Deu 11:24 Every place on which the sole of your foot treads is yours: . . .

Deu 11:25 No man shall stand against you. יהוה your Elohim shall put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread, as He has spoken to you.

Also similarly stated in Joshua 1:2-3.

Uhm . . . that’s dangerous because those people are only focusing on the verses they like. I don’t hear those same people quoting Due 2:5,9 or Acts 7:5. Yah/God also gave the Jews boundaries.

So yes we do have some authority but there are different types of authority. You may have heard me tell the story about how I ran into a constellation one time in a deliverance session and I got humbled right quickly.


So something else that we should be learning from these deliverance sessions is that sin opens the door for the enemy to attack us. We see this in Genesis 4:7. We also see this in Matthew 12 and Luke 11 regarding the unclean spirit that returns from the dry places back to his ‘home’.

So we should get a sense that we should try to live Yah’s/God’s word as much as possible to keep the sin demons out of our being. Because again, the demons are trying to keep us from becoming what Yah/God has created us to be.

I understand that some people’s oppression may not be bad enough OR they may be living righteously enough to not make any drastic changes. But for some others (and everybody really), you may need to really work on closing those sin doors you are opening.

Keep this in mind - deliverance ministry can help get rid of demons that are helping you to sin but those chinks in your spiritual character armor could still be there until you start living more biblical lives. I understand this can be a process many times but we all need to work on getting better at fighting our spiritual battles.

Jas 1:14 But each one is enticed when he is drawn away by his own desires/lusts and trapped.

Jas 1:15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin. And sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death.

I’ll say upfront I don’t know what degree of sinful or lust is needed that will invite demons in. I think that is different for every individual based on various variables.

I can say this. I do know those demons are going to try to get back into your being. They are going to try to tempt you to fail in those areas where you failed before. They are watching you. While some people like to focus primarily on their strengths I think it's probably also a good idea to grow those areas that are weak - your moral deficits. As I started with we all need to examine ourselves (2 Cor 13:5).


So the last aspect of what we should be learning from our deliverance sessions is experience. You should get some aspect of how spiritual warfare works - of how to use the sword of the spirit, perhaps that you can talk with demons - only for the purpose of trying to expel them of course, of the different types of psychology that they use, and other spiritual aspects which vary wildly.

While there are many tools and tactics to learn to use, primarily the most important aspect is depending on the leading of The Spirit. So developing your relationship with The Spirit is of primary importance. Yes the tools and tactics can work but they will only get you so far. When I was getting started in deliverance, since I’m a logical person, that was my approach until I started really growing relationships with Him and letting The Spirit lead. So if I can do it, so can you.

Just keep in mind spiritual warfare is not earthly warfare. Many people limit their spiritual effectiveness by their earthly logical understanding or they may not see the spiritual application of what they read in the Bible. In large part, that’s a primary goal of what Walk with Yah tries to accomplish in these many videos. To try to get people to understand how this really works - to normalize it because we are more spirit beings than earthly beings to be quite honest.

Prayerfully you’ll learn as your authority, identity, character, and experience grow, that the demons really only have the power that we give them. Now on the other hand, unfortunately, throughout many of our generations, we’ve given them alot of authority in our lives. But by working with Yeshua/Jesus, we can reclaim that lost power & authority as He is the only one that can untangle what we believe may be impossible.

So we made it through that. How are you doing? Is everything still in place? Did I lose anybody? Well thankfully there is one last topic I do want to talk about.

What is the goal of deliverance?

Prayerfully we learn that there is more to our relationship with Yeshua/Jesus than just believing.

Jas 2:19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!

Recently, I was doing a quick work study on the word ‘Forever’. Like what does that mean because upfront it can be quite confusing. I thought this one article did a great job basically saying ‘forever’ means it will continue until its purpose has been completed.

I’m going to ask a rhetorical question here: Will we always need deliverance? Is deliverance supposed to get us to a state of perfection? The answer may surprise you as I believe the answer is that we’ll always need deliverance ministry and the goal isn’t to make us perfect. The enemy is always going to try to oppress us. I find this even with those in the afterlife, the 2nd life, that they still need deliverance themselves.

So you may want to make sure you get your deliverance on now because if you pass away who knows where your soul fragments may end up. Ya better get while the gettin’ is good.

So let’s add those two concepts together, I believe that we’ll need deliverance forever - at least until the Great White Throne Judgement in Revelation 20 after the defeat of Satan. And that’s a long time from now.

But what is the actual primary goal of deliverance? Ultimately it is to glorify Yah/God.

He will get glory whether that’s by our righteousness or unrighteousness. As I’ve heard it said there are 2 that are trying to kill you - Yah/God and Satan but it’s much better to die to Yah/God.

But on a more personal level, hopefully deliverance will teach us to seek Yah/God with our entire being and to do what He has called us to do

Deu 6:4 “Hear, O Yisra’ěl: יהוה our Elohim, יהוה is one!

Deu 6:5 “And you shall love יהוה your Elohim with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your might.

Deu 6:6 “And these Words which I am commanding you today shall be in your heart

When we are more aligned with His will aiming to complete the destiny and birthright that He has for us, we’ll get the most benefit, love, joy, peace etc. out of our life.

I’ll end this livestream with this personal testimony . . .

Maybe He hasn’t called you to be a pastor - and that’s ok if not - not everybody is but I can say personally it didn’t make much earthly logical sense for me to quit a good paying secure job to become a pastor when I really didn’t know much about that. It’s been a struggle at times (by His faithful design) but it has caused my faith to grow.

Ultimately, it’s been worth it as I love what I do and I realize I was created for this - even if I still have a lifetime of learning to do yet still. Sometimes I don’t know how He’s going to make something work but I’m learning to trust Him more and more with every detail of my life which is causing me to love Him even more and want to be closer to Him.

The Good News

So when you are going through the deliverance process, don’t think you are doing this in your own power. You’re never alone. Yes the demons are studying you but the angels are also with you . . .

Heb 1:14 Are they not all serving spirits sent out to attend those who are about to inherit deliverance?

But more importantly . . .

Heb 13:20 And the Elohim of peace who brought up our Master יהושע from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

Heb 13:21 make you perfect in every good work to do His desire, working in you what is pleasing in His sight, through יהושע Messiah, to whom be esteem forever and ever. Aměn.



  • Is there any particular area that you feel you need to grow in? Identity, Authority, Character, Experience


I suggest that you take a little time to focus on the bigger picture of your life. What do you think that you are called to do in His Kingdom? Do you know and just shrink back? Or have you ever asked Him? You probably should.


This is Noe with Walk with Yah. You can find this ministry at

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions/comments.

I look forward to seeing you again on what will be the 2nd Thursday of this month at 7:30 pm EST.


Maybe your miracle could be next!

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