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A Little History - About Me

 Noe Gonzales  


To help you get to know me, I want to explain some of my core beliefs along with a little history.


I was born in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, IL in November 1967. I moved to the suburbs of Atlanta, GA in 1977.  I was raised Roman Catholic but decided to live my own life early in life and that caught up to me around the year 2000. At that time every aspect of my life was falling apart and I had nobody to turn to as I was living in a somewhat remote area of North Georgia. After years of struggle, as I started chasing after Our Heavenly Father with every part of me, my perseverance finally started to ‘bear fruit’. Life was still hard but knowing He was with me made it bearable.


It was then I gave my life to God and became very active in a small Pentecostal church (no we didn’t handle snakes). I have been growing spiritually ever since. That’s not to say that my life nor I have become perfect but I have found that His ways are much better than mine. I’ve come to appreciate the wisdom in His Word.

In early 2007 God impressed upon me strongly that He wanted me to become a ‘counselor’. After almost getting a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at Liberty University I finally figured out what's not what God meant. Around mid-2008 I started attending a church that introduced me into the Healing and the Prophetic gifts. During that time I made some efforts into Deliverance ministry but focused more on ‘power’ evangelism. 

In 2014, YHWH reminded me that I needed to focus more on the deliverance ministry He called me to. I’m glad I know He rebukes those that He loves, as it states in Hebrews 12:6, so I had to repent and started giving my ministry more focused time.

In June 2017, YHWH called me to go into full-time ministry. I left my job working for a company that was in the top 10 of the Atlanta Business Chronicles Best places to work in Atlanta. Since then He has been teaching me to walk more by faith.

As I grow with WWY, I partner and minster alongside other churches & ministries. I've been fortunate enough to partner with these people as well as minister to people all over the United States and even in other countries. I'm thankful I stepped out what it in encountered in many ministry sessions is simply amazing as I get to partner with the Ruach haKodesh / Holy Spirit to do spiritual warfare. I'm getting to live my dream!

Thank you for visiting and taking the time to learn about me.

- Noe


Send Love Offerings to:

Walk With Yah Ministry

225 Parkway 575 # 2371

Woodstock, GA 30189-9998

Noe G.

Sanctification Minister / Biblical Advocate



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A 501c3/508c1a ministry

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